Sunday 24 August 2014

Doctor Who Ramble

Doctor Who is back and the first episode already had me in tears. The thing is i'm not even joking...i had tears in my eyes...but i will get to that later on in the post.

So, PCaps,The new doctor, number 12! Well if you don't include the war doctor. Personally i loved the new take on the doctor. His construction of the new incarnation of the doctors character is so different from the others. From the word 'Shush' as he exited the TARDIS for the first time it was clear, he was going to be good. He brought a whole new light to the Doctor. Something so wacky and undescribeable yet shows that he has been through alot. He also included hidden aspects of other doctors in his personality. Which personally i adore.

Also did anyone else notice that the program seemed to go on for much longer than previously. The story line has a much better progress line. The filming is alot more updated. At first i disliked the new filming but it does give the program a little extra.

So why was i crying? Matt Smith, we finally got to say a proper goodbye to our raggedy man. He appeared and i proped up, eyes locked to the screen and tears forming in my eyes. We knew this was it, the goodbye. Not the achoo sneeze regeneration we origionally had. Although his speech in the was fabulous!.

So thats my thoughts on the new Doctor Who...I cannot wait till next week, bring it on.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Prisoner Of War

Today at my grandparents an old prisoner of war log book was found belonging to my grandads sisters hudband dating back to 1944. It was truely amazing to look at. One section however blew my mind completely. A poem. And this is what it read:

Tonight it seems I cannot find, tranquility, or peace of mind.
However much I concentrate, for mundane things of present state.
My thoughts are wayward, flitting wide, to haunts upon the other side. Where once I lived so gay and free, there waits the girl who is for me. T'is but a phase, a pensive mood, caused by enforced solitude.
A dream I cannot always keep, but there is time enough, for sleep.
T'is no thought of moody madness, but my hope of future gladness.
Her words live in my memory yet, as through the years I'll n'er forget. She's ok! So dear to me, and wonders now just where I be.
She has a heart so sweet and true, and waits or prays with thoughts anew.
Oh! Why must I a prisoner be, her lovely face each hour I see.
That loving mile will surely hail, a future, like a fairy tale.
So clear I see her that I know, within the firelights gentle glow.
A whispered prayer that is for me; oh! Why must I, a prisoner be.
No single day is here complete, my love is as my heart does beat.
But patience dear, we both must bide, until the day I sail with the tide. Through the tempest of there years, thro' the trial and the tears.
I shall return to you once more, my Dream Girl and my England's shore. That island far across the sea, in thoughts of you, it's dear to me. Today I dream so far away, till on, Return-Our Happiest Day.


Monday 28 July 2014

Gameplay Reaction Screenshots...The Cringe!

I feel like this blog has gotten too serious so lets unseriousify that even a word?

I was going through videos on my laptop and i found a video made on my webcam of me reacting to Outlast gameplay...basically i wanted to film my reaction because my friends always laughed at me on skype because of it and i didnt get why..yeah my reaction was pretty hilarious just look at these screenshots:

Intense watching with fear in my eyes!
There was a jump hidding
helps apparently?
Thinking 'Omg i can't believe i just
jumped at that'
Nervous after shock laughter
What am i doing with my life?

I am yet to decide if i should show you guys the video as it is extreamly cringey...maybe i will...maybe i won't, who knows?. Check out Outlast...its one of my favourite games...not that i played it...i would freak out and let go of the controls if i did...but i enjoyed watching it. Hope you enjoyed the post and laughed at my cringey reaction shots.

Until next time! Byeeeee :)


In this day and age appearence has become so important. We are constantly bombarded with images from the media promoting what our bodies should look like. Self confidence/esteem has decreased and more people are suffering from eating disorders. Females and Males alike.

When you were younger you were brought Barbies or Action Figures. This is the early sign of media promoting our ideology of what we should look like. To be pretty and skinny like Barbie with a tiny waist, huge hips, long hair. To be ripped like Action Man, six pack, chizzled face and all. From an early age we were taught that this is our aim.

When we are teenagers it gets harder, we care more about our appearance. There is the constant feeling of judgement from everyone around you. There's pressure to look perfect.

Well nobody is perfect. Stop comparing yourself to others. People should be able to be confident in their own bodies. We are all different and everyone sees beauty in different ways. We may notice things as flaws but infact others may not even notice them. Just because i'm saying this doesn't mean i am 100% confident with my body, because i'm not, but i know theres no point in comparing myself to others and i'm healthy that's all that matters. Yes its not the easiest thing to do when you are constantly surrounded by media promoting an unreachable target on what is beauty but just remember they have probably used photoshop.

So stop looking in a mirror and pointing out your flaws and start pointing out the positives. You are beautiful!

Tuesday 22 July 2014

A Short Rant

Okay rant time. Always fun.

So I don't watch tv..the only things I watch are Doctor Who & Orphan Black. Even with Orphan Black I watch it on my Laptop. However during dinner just now HollyOaks was on. Oh the fun of TV Dramas.  An event occurred where Lela or whatever her name is tried to stop a guy who had broken into their home. This guy being Ziggy, her boyfriend, using the break in to blame another guy in order to get rid of him. She didn't know who it was.  SORRY BUT YOU WOULD HAVE SMELT THE DAMN AFTERSHAVE OR SOMETHING!. Also...WHY ENTER THE ROOM?!? If I was me I would have been out of there so fast you would see dust marks where I had been, like in cartoons. And this is why soaps annoy me. As well as making me wish death on characters...not a good thing.

It happens in films though too. Such as horrors. Oh I heard foot steps upstairs in a house that is meant to be empty. Lets investigate. 'Hello?' The ghost is never going to answer. What are you expecting, 'Oh hi, yeah I'm a ghost, no biggy, names Albert, fancy a brew?, don't be scared I'm not going to kill you yet'. Yet again dust marks will be seen.

Do you guys find anything about tv programs or films which annoy you? Comment below. I feel like I could be starting some new section on my blog here 'Rachel Rants'...not quite feeling it though.

Thanks for reading!

This Is Me

Ahh the first post on a new blog. Always the scariest thing to do. What to blog about? What to say?

For my first post I think I will do a typical introduction this is me post. Just to get the ball rolling. So lets get on with it. Here is a little introduction to who I am.

Hi! My name is Rachel. Spelt EL not AEL. I was born on 23rd Jan 1997 along with my twin. Yes I'm a twin. Not identical. And no we can't read each others minds. It's a myth.

I could go on to say my favourite colour (red), my favourite numbers (13 and 23) but that's so typical and doesn't really tell you much about me.

I'm one of those people who aren't afraid to be a bit different as you may be able to tell already.  In secondary school I was very much an outcast in some form as I didn't try to be like everyone else. Some people see that as a bad thing however I see it as a good thing. You should never be scared to be yourself. Since going to college I have met amazing people who accept me for who I am. In fact some of my friends have encouraged my weirdness and are weirder than me. I love them. If you are reading this guys, I love you!.

I am also rather accident prone or eventful things happen to me a lot, examples include:
1. Accidentally stealing a wine glass from a club. How can you accidentally do that? Trust me it's easier to do than you think.
2. Falling onto someone's lap on the bus...I have terrible balance.
3. Getting stuck in the black hole flume on holiday because the dingy  got caught on something...only me.
So be prepared for random stories which are cringe worthy!

One thing which will probably become apparent is my love for Doctor Who. I am a huge Whovian and have cosplayed as Clara, creating her Souffle Girl dress. My blog may also feature a few comments about games, I don't really play them because I just yell at the screen and get annoyed but I love watching game play. In fact I watch gameplay more than I watch TV. Currently watching Corpse Party! Good game, check it out!

For those of you who have come from my other blog you will already know this, I run a fashion blog (RachellaBlogs) which actually, to my surprise, has quite a lot of views! Thanks guys, it means alot!

So i think that is enough about me so far, who knows i may edit this later on. Check out my other blog if you want, links over the name. Hope you enjoyed the post!

Until next time!


Welcome to my new blog!

'Rachel With An E' came about out of my love for blogs. It was originally going to be called 'Rachel With An EL' then I realised something...Yeahhh...hence the creation of 'Rachel With An E'.

This blog will be a mixture of things. So far I haven't really planned what I'm putting on here...great job Rachel...but I know I will try and blog every week and hopefully keep it amusing for you guys!

Anyway I should probably get out of bed and do something...I've been laying here for 2 hours now doing nothing but becoming invested in the internet and forgetting that there is actually a world outside my phone.

Until next time guys!